ISSN: 0971-9032

Current Pediatric Research

International Journal of Pediatrics


The effect of different decontaminants on green vegetable foods collected from Iraqi stores.

Green vegetable foods are highly contaminated with bacteria and in order to reduce viable bacterial count in this important type of foods and make it less harmful; this research used different types of decontaminants in certain acceptable concentrations. Twenty five bundles of green vegetable foods had been collected from vegetable shops and peddlers in Baghdad, samples had been washed three times and treated with 0.1% potassium permanganate, 10% sodium chloride (table salt), 5% acetic acid (apple vinegar), and 2 Parts Per Million (PPM) of sodium hypochlorite separately, then the soaked water had been inoculated on nutrient agar and incubated for a viable bacterial count. It had been found that these substances have clear effect in bacterial reduction and this may help in reducing the harmful effect of pathogenic ones for human health 0.1% potassium permanganate was the most effective decontaminant, followed by 5% acetic acid, 10% table salt, while 2 ppm of sodium hypochlorite exhibited less effectiveness. Using of different types of decontaminants in certain concentrations that have a lower harmful effect on health and on plant structure with green vegetable foods helps in bacterial reduction and contributes in preventing their harmful effect.

Author(s): Hadeel K Turki, Zahraa Muhsen M Ali, Ali H Saleem*

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