ISSN: 0971-9032

Current Pediatric Research

International Journal of Pediatrics


Pediatric neurotuberculosis: Clinico-radiological profile in a tertiary care centre in India.

Introduction: Untreated primary tuberculosis cases in children are known to have a higher chance of developing neurotuberculosis than cases in adults. The study aims to assess the clinical profile of pediatric neurotuberculosis.

Methods: This is a retrospective study which was done at a tertiary care hospital for duration of 2 years among 50 pediatric patients diagnosed with neurotuberculosis. Patients were selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patient’s clinical and laboratory features were noted and analyzed using SPSS version 25.0.

Results: There was predominance of male patients (64%) and rest 36% was female. The age group of 1 to 5 years had maximum number of cases (70%). The most common clinical features were fever (90%) followed by headache (88%), vomiting (70%), seizures (54%). The neuroimaging findings reveal basal enhancement (60%), basal exudates (54%), hydrocephalus (43%), vasculitic infarcts (38%), periventricular ooze (36%) and tuberculomas (26%). 32% patients with neurotuberculosis died and only 68% survived.

Conclusion: There is a higher incidence of neurotuberculosis in children aged 1-5 years. Contrary to recent medical literature, fevers may only last a short while when they first manifest. Neuroimaging and CSF studies are essential for establishing a diagnosis and initiation of early treatment.

Author(s): Vedavathi Kunnanayaka, Ashwini Hiremath, Milind Kulkarni

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