ISSN: 0971-9032

Current Pediatric Research

International Journal of Pediatrics


Feeding and swallowing difficulties in infants and toddlers: A single centre study.

A challenge with feeding and swallowing is not observed in high-risk group alone, but also in healthy cohorts. This study focuses to determine the prevalence and characteristics of swallowing difficulties associated with this population. At an Indian tertiary hospital, 101 parents of typically developing infants and toddlers (aged zero to three) were recruited. The infant and child feeding questionnaire was employed to identify feeding and swallowing concerns. Results revealed a 22.77% prevalence rate (23 out of 100) of feeding and swallowing issues. Infants aged 0 to 6 months experienced issues like coughing, crying, and vomiting, while transitioning infants faced food refusal. Toddlers, aged 24 to 36 months, encountered severe food refusal, trouble with specific textures, and inadequate weight gain. These challenging characteristics are considered to be multi-factorial in nature. Hence, it is crucial for professionals to be perceptive in identifying and addressing the feeding and swallowing issues.

Author(s): Prasitha P, Kala Samayan, Subash S

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