ISSN: 0971-9032

Current Pediatric Research

International Journal of Pediatrics

A Study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children (11-13 Years) in a selected Government School at Karaikal, Tamilnadu.

Suganya S, Kamala K*, Sridevi R

Department of OBG & Nursing, Vinayaka Mission’s College of Nursing, Karaikal, Tamilnadu, India

Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation – DU, Salem, Tamilnadu, India

*Corresponding Author:
Kamala K
Principal & Research Guide Vinayaka Mission’s College of Nursing
Karaikal, Tamilnadu, India
Tel: 9488031521

Accepted Date: June 11, 2020

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A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding benefits of Outdoor Play among School going children (11-13 years) in a Selected Government School, at Karaikal. The objectives are to assess the level of knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children (11-13 years), to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children, to find the association between pretest level of knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children with selected demographic variables. Pre-experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design was used. 100 children (11-13 years) studying in NSC bose higher secondary school, Karaikal were selected by using convenient sampling technique. Demographic data was collected and pre-test was conducted by using checklist method to assess the student?s knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play. Video assisted teaching programme was given about benefits of outdoor play. After 7 days post test was conducted using the same checklist method. The results revealed that in pre test 62% had inadequate knowledge, 38% had moderate knowledge and none of them had adequate knowledge. Where as in post test 85% had adequate knowledge and 15% had moderate knowledge. It shows that effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on benefits of outdoor play. The knowledge level of school children has statistically significant association with their educational qualification of parents and occupation of father.


Benefits of outdoor play, School going children


Play is the root and foundation of creativity in the arts and sciences also as in daily life

-Stephen Nachmanovitch

Children are the future hope of mankind. Today’s children will be the masters of the future world. As the saying goes, “health is wealth” hence, if children are healthy, the future generation will be healthy, resulting in a healthy nation. Play is universal activity for all children. Through the universal medium of play children learn what no one can teach them. Play is a natural tool for children to develop resiliency as they learn to cooperative, overcome changes and legotiate with others. Play also allows children to be creative. An outdoor play is a structured form of play, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements.

According to American academy of paediatrics (AAP) play is an outdoor natural environment allows children to explore both their world and their own mind. Nature places virtually no bounds on their imagination and engages all of the senses. For all children, this setting allows for the full blossoming of creativity, curiosity and the associated developmental advances. Benefits of various outdoor games such as Playing Skipping rope and jumping Improves heart rate, improves tones muscles in lower and upper body, Best tool for weight loss, Helps to improve the skin, Helps to attain balance, coordination and agility, Skipping is a full body workout. Playing outdoor games is an excellent physical activity and thus aids in improving the functional capabilities of the body. Outdoor play is not beneficial to young people, but also for older generation. Outdoor play is open air games. So, we breathe in plenty of fresh air. We breathe in plenty for oxygen. Hence our blood circulation works well. Outdoor play should not be limited to the field of school, college or community. Even when we are at home or working, sparing at least 30 minutes for any sports we love can be very helpful.

Need for the study

Children are vulnerable to Smartphone, tablet addictions. From playing on I pads to watching television, children seem to be spending more and more times indoor. The increase in number of children spending a predominant amount of time inside has led to numerous studies being published highlighting the negative impact this is having on their health and development. At the same time, research has also discovered that there are many benefits to children playing outdoors such as Learning, Creativity, Health, Social skills, Well-being, Independence, Explore.

Today’s children don’t know a world without smart phones and the internet. It is no surprise, then, that they spend a considerable amount of their time with technology. Television still remains the media of choice, with teenagers aged 12 to 17 spending almost 14 hours weekly watching television that increases to over 19.5 hours among children aged 2-13 years.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a study in 2009 entitled: "The importance of outdoor play in promoting physical development. The report states: "Free and unstructured play is healthy and - in fact essential for helping children for social, emotional, and cognitive development as well as helping them to manage stress and become resilient". Monisha conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on importance of outdoor play among school children. The results of the pretest score were lower than the post test score. The finding of the study revealed that most of the children had inadequate knowledge on importance of outdoor play. Based on the above studies and overviews, the researcher felt that outdoor play will help the children to develop skill, creativity, intelligence, emotional ability, prevent obesity and increases the physical and brain development. So the investigator decided to carry out the study.

Statement of the problem

“ A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children (11-13 years) studying in a selected government school, at Karaikal”.


• To assess the level of knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children.

• To assess the effectiveness of video teaching programme on knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children.

• To find the association between pretest level of knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children with selected demographic variables.

Conceptual Frame Work

The conceptual frame work selected for the present study is based on “Goal attainment theory” by Imogene king (1981).

Research Methodology

A quantitative research approach and pre-experimental with one group pre-test and post- test design was selected. The study was carried out in NSC Bose higher secondary school situated in Thalatheru Karaikal. This school consists of classes from 6th standard to 12th standard. In this study target population comprise of school going children aged between 11-13 years. The sample size comprised of 100 children’s in the age group of 11-13 years studying in NSC Bose government higher secondary school, Karaikal. Convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample for the present study. The Tool consists of two parts.

Section I: Demographic data

It consists of age, sex, class of studying, educational qualification of parents, occupation of parents, family income, religion, domicile, type of house, type of games.

Section II: Checklist on benefits of play

It includes the items related to benefits of play, outdoor play and indoor play. The data was collected in following three stages. Pre-test was conducted among the selected samples by using checklist method. The data collection was done between 9 am to 4pm.

On the same day of pre-test assessment, the video teaching programme on benefits of outdoor play was conducted by researcher which consists of information regarding benefits of play, benefits of outdoor play, types of games and its benefits. In a day video teaching programme was given for 7-8 students and duration was around 15-20 minutes. Evaluation of video assisted teaching programme on benefits of outdoor play was done by conducting post-test on the 8th day of the video teaching by using the same checklist method , which was used for the pre-test. The data was analyzed using Descriptive and Inferential statistics [1-10].

Result and Discussion

Description of demographic data of the school going children (11-13 years)

• Regarding Age, 38% of children were in the age group of 11 years, 28% were in 12 years and 34% of children were in 13 years.

• Regarding sex, 60% of children were male and 40% of children were female.

• Regarding Studying class, 39% of children were studying 6th standard, 22% of children were in 7th standard and the same 39% were studying in 8th standard.

• Regarding distribution of school going children according to the educational Qualification of their fathers 2% of children’s father was illiterate, 31% of children’s father had primary education, 5% were graduates and 62% of children’s father had high school education.

• Regarding Educational qualification of their mother, the highest percentage 52% of children’s mother had primary education and lowest percentages 1% of children’s mother were illiterate.

• Regarding occupation of father, lowest percentage 4% of children’s father were working in government sector and highest percentage 78% were working as coolie.

• Regarding occupation of mother, highest percentage 76% of children’s mother was working as a daily wages, and only 2% of children’s mother was working in government/private sector.

• Regarding family Income, Only 13% of children’s family monthly income was more than Rs.10001 and the highest 41% of children’s family monthly income was less than Rs. 4000.

• Regarding Religion, Children who belongs to Hindu religion were 87%, 1% belongs to Muslim and 12% of children were belongs to Christian.

• Regarding Domicile, Most of the children 81% were from rural area and only least of children 19% were from urban area.

• Regarding type of house, highest percentage 52% of children were living in hut house and only 21% of children were living in Pacca house.

• Regarding type of games, Majority 28% of children likes other games, 27% of children have interest in playing hide and seek, 22% have interest in playing cricket, 9% of children have interest in playing carom board, 5% of children have interest in playing high jump and long jump, same 5% of children have interest in swimming and lowest 2% percentage of children having interest in playing chess [10-15].

Pre-test and post-test knowledge on benefits of outdoor play among school going children

• In pre-test (38%) of children had moderate knowledge, (62%) of children had inadequate knowledge?

• In post-test (85%) of children had adequate knowledge and only (15%) of children had moderate knowledge (Figures 1 and 2, Tables 1 and 2).


Figure 1. Prevalence of lifetime drug use.


Figure 2. Prevalence of current drug use.

S. No Knowledge dimension Max score Pre-test score Post-test score Difference in Mean (%)
Mean SD Mean (%) Mean SD Mean (%)
1 Knowledge on benefits of play 12 4.31 1.269 35.5 10.61 1.413 88.4 52.9
2 Knowledge on outdoor play 46 19.05 2.374 41.41 40.98 4.295 89 47.5
3 Knowledge on indoor play 8 2.86 1.764 35.75 6.29 1.452 78.6 43
Total 66 26.22 5.398 39.72 57.88 7.16 87.69 48

Table 1. Comparison of mean and standard deviation of pre-test and post-test knowledge on benefits of outdoor play among school going children.

S No Dimension Mean Standard deviation Standard error mean ‘t’ value P value Significance
1 Knowledge on benefits of play -2.300 2.023 0.202 11.372 0.000* Significant
2 Knowledge on outdoor play -16.930 5.535 0.553 30.590 0.000* Significant
3 Knowledge on indoor play -2.430 2.171 0.217 11.194 0.000* Significant

Table 2. Dimension wise effectiveness of video teaching programme on knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children (*-Significant at 5% (p<0.05) level).

Association between the pre-test knowledge on benefits of outdoor play among school going children with selected demographic variables

There was significant association between pre-test knowledge scores of children with educational qualification of parents and occupation of father [15-21].


The subjects of the study have gained thorough knowledge on benefits of outdoor play by the video assisted teaching programme. Prior to implementation of video assisted teaching programme 38% of children had moderate knowledge and 62% had inadequate knowledge, whereas after the video assisted teaching programme on benefits of outdoor play 85% of children had adequate knowledge which proves that video assisted teaching programme is effective on knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among children.


Based on the findings of the study the investigator proposes the following recommendations for future research.

• The study can be replicated on larger samples in different settings to have a wider applicability by generalization.

• A similar study can be carried out with post-test only control group design to find the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme among school children.

• A comparative study can be conducted between the school going boys and girls.

• A comparative study can be conducted for mothers of under five children between urban and rural areas.
